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import { Collection } from '@signaldb/core'

The Collection class is designed to manage and manipulate collections of data in memory, with options for reactivity, transformations and persistence adapters. Collections are schemaless, meaning that you don't need to define a schema for your data before you start using it. This allows you to store any data you want without worrying about defining a schema first. However, it's recommended that you define a typescript interface for the documents in the collection, so that you can benefit from type safety when working with the data.

Static Methods

setFieldTracking(enable: boolean)

Enables or disables field tracking for all collections. See Field-Level Reactivity for more information.

batch(callback: () => void)

If you need to execute many operations at once in multiple collections, you can use the global Collection.batch() method. This method will execute all operations inside the callback without rebuilding the index on every change.


Returns an array of all collections that have been created.

onCreation(callback: (collection: Collection) => void)

Registers a callback that will be called whenever a new collection is created. The callback will receive the newly created collection as an argument.

onDispose(callback: (collection: Collection) => void)

Registers a callback that will be called whenever a collection is disposed. The callback will receive the disposed collection as an argument.


Enables debug mode for all collections. This will enable measurements for query timings and other debug information.


const collection = new Collection<T, I, U>(options?: CollectionOptions<T, I, U>)

Constructs a new Collection object.


  • options (Optional): An object specifying various options for the collection. Options include:
    • name: An optional name for the collection to make it easier to identify. This name will also be used in the developer tools.
    • memory: A MemoryAdapter for storing items in memory.
    • reactivity: A ReactivityAdapter for enabling reactivity.
    • persistence: A PersistenceAdapter for enabling persistent storage.
    • transform: A transformation function to be applied to items. The document that should be transformed is passed as the only parameter. The function should return the transformed document (e.g. (doc: T) => U)
    • indices: An array of IndexProvider objects for creating indices on the collection.



Resolves when the persistence adapter finished initializing and the collection is ready to be used. This is useful when you need to wait for the collection to be ready before executing any operations directly after creating it.


const collection = new Collection({ persistence: /* ... */ })
await collection.isReady()

collection.insert({ name: 'Item 1' })
// ...

find(selector?: Selector<T>, options?: Options)

Returns a new cursor object for the items in the collection that match a given selector and options. Also check out the queries section.


  • selector (Optional): A function to filter items in the collection.
  • options (Optional): Options for the cursor.

findOne(selector?: Selector<T>, options?: Options)

Behaves the same like .find() but doesn't return a cursor. Instead it will directly return the first found document.

insert(item: Omit<T, 'id'> & Partial<Pick<T, 'id'>>)

Inserts an item into the collection and returns the ID of the newly inserted item. Also check out the data manipulation section.

insertMany(items: Array<Omit<T, 'id'> & Partial<Pick<T, 'id'>>>)

Inserts multiple items into the collection and returns the IDs of the newly inserted items.


  • item: The item to be inserted into the collection.

updateMany(selector: Selector<T>, modifier: Modifier<T>)

Updates multiple items in the collection that match a given selector with the specified modifier. Also check out the data manipulation section.


  • selector: A function to filter items in the collection.
  • modifier: An object describing how to modify the matching items.

updateOne(selector: Selector<T>, modifier: Modifier<T>)

Behaves the same like .updateMany() but only updates the first found document.

removeMany(selector: Selector<T>)

Removes multiple items from the collection that match a given selector.


  • selector: A function to filter items in the collection.

removeOne(selector: Selector<T>)

Behaves the same like .removeMany() but only removes the first found document.

batch(callback: () => void)

If you need to execute many operations at once, things can get slow as the index would be rebuild on every change to the collection. To prevent this, you can use the .batch() method. This method will execute all operations inside the callback without rebuilding the index on every change. If you need to batch updates of multiple collections, you can use the global Collection.batch() method.

collection.batch(() => {
  collection.insert({ name: 'Item 1' })
  collection.insert({ name: 'Item 2' })
  // …


Disposes the collection and all its resources. This will unregister the persistence adapter and clean up all internal data structures.

setFieldTracking(enabled: boolean)

Enables or disables field tracking for the collection. See Field-Level Reactivity for more information.


The Collection class is equipped with a set of events that provide insights into the state and changes within the collection. These events, emitted by the class, can be crucial for implementing reactive behaviors and persistence management. Here is an overview of the events:

  • added: Triggered when a new item is added to the collection. The event handler receives the added item as an argument.
  • changed: Fired when an existing item in the collection undergoes modification. The event handler is passed the modified item.
  • removed: Signaled when an item is removed or deleted from the collection. The event handler receives the removed item.

In addition to that, the collection will fire events for each executed method. For example, if you call .updateOne(), the collection will fire an updateOne event. The event handler will receive the selector and the modifier as arguments.

  • find: Emitted when the find method is called. The event handler receives the selector, options and the cursor as arguments.
  • findOne: Triggered when the findOne method is called. The event handler receives the selector, options and the returned item as arguments.
  • insert: Fired when the insert method is called. The event handler receives the inserted item as an argument.
  • updateMany: Emitted when the updateMany method is called. The event handler receives the selector and the modifier as arguments.
  • updateOne: Triggered when the updateOne method is called. The event handler receives the selector and the modifier as arguments.
  • removeMany: Emitted when the removeMany method is called. The event handler receives the selector as an argument.
  • removeOne: Triggered when the removeOne method is called. The event handler receives the selector as an argument.

In addition to these basic events, there are events related to persistence operations. These events are only emitted when a persistence adapter is used.

  • persistence.init: Marks the initialization of the persistence adapter.
  • persistence.error: Indicates an error during persistence operations. The event handler receives an Error object describing the error.
  • persistence.transmitted: Triggered after successfully transmitting data to the persistence adapter.
  • persistence.received: Signifies the reception of data from the persistence adapter.

These events empower developers to build dynamic and responsive applications by reacting to changes in the collection, facilitating synchronization with external data sources, and handling persistence-related events.

Released under the MIT License.