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Getting Started

Welcome to the Getting Started Guide for SignalDB, a client-side database with a seamless MongoDB-like interface and top-notch TypeScript support.

SignalDB is designed for blazing fast query performance and data persistence, while remaining framework-agnostic.


Installing SignalDB is simple and easy. It can be installed using npm. Open your terminal and enter the following command:

  $ npm install signaldb

Creating Collections

Creating collections is straight forward.

import { Collection } from 'signaldb'

const posts = new Collection()

but normally you want to persist your data. Persistence in SignalDB is achieved by using persistence adapters but to make thing easier for you, there is a helper class called PersistentCollection that configures that for you. The PersistentCollection chooses automatically where to store the data and uses localStorage in the browser and a JSON file on the serverside.

import { PersistentCollection } from 'signaldb'

const posts = new PersistentCollection('posts')

That's all you have to do. There a also some optional configuration options you find here: collections reference

Adding data

After you've created you first collection, you can start to add documents to it.

// ...

const postId = posts.insert({ title: 'Foo', text: 'Lorem ipsum …' })

You created your first document in SignalDB! Check out the data manipulation page to learn how to update and remove documents.


Getting your documents back is also very easy.

// ...

const cursor = collection.find({})
console.log(cursor.fetch()) // returns an array with all documents in the collection

You've finished the Getting Started Guide! The next steps are getting reactivity to work. Check out the core concepts about reactivity to learn how to do this.

Released under the MIT License.