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Use SignalDB with React

In this guide, you will learn how to use SignalDB together with React. We will cover the basic setup and how to use SignalDB in your React project.


Let's assume you already have basic knowledge of React and already have a React project set up. If you don't, you can follow the official React documentation to get started.

Also a basic understanding of signal-based reactivity is helpful. If you are not familiar with it, you can read about it on the Core Concepts page to get an overview.


First of all, you need to install SignalDB. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

  npm install @signaldb/core

We also need to install a signals library that provides the reactivity for SignalDB. We going to use Maverick Signals. The following command installs Maverick Signals and the corresponding reactivity adapter for SignalDB:

  npm install @maverick-js/signals
  npm install @signaldb/maverickjs

Additionally we need to install the @signaldb/react package that provides the React bindings for SignalDB:

  npm install @signaldb/react

You can also install all packages at once by running the following command:

  npm install @signaldb/core @maverick-js/signals @signaldb/maverickjs @signaldb/react

Basic Setup

To use SignalDB in your React project, you need to set up your collections and the reactivity adapter. Do this in a file that you can import in your components.

// Posts.js
import { Collection } from '@signaldb/core'
import maverickReactivityAdapter from '@signaldb/maverickjs'

const Posts = new Collection({
  reactivity: maverickReactivityAdapter,

export default Posts

In another file, you have to setup a react hook that provides the reactivity to your components. We have a helper function for that in the @signaldb/react package, so that it is just a one liner for you:

// useReactivity.js
import { createUseReactivityHook } from '@signaldb/react'
import { effect } from '@maverick-js/signals'

const useReactivity = createUseReactivityHook(effect)
export default useReactivity

The useReactivity function is a react hook that you can use in your components to make them reactive. It receives a function as the first argument that runs your reactive context. The function reruns whenever the data used inside changes. The return value of the function is the data that you want to use in your component. The useReactivity function also takes a dependency list as an optional second argument, similar to the dependency list of the useEffect hook.

Using SignalDB in your Components

Now you can use SignalDB in your components. Here is an example of a simple component that displays a list of posts:

import React from 'react'
import useReactivity from './useReactivity'
import Posts from './Posts'

const PostList = () => {
  const posts = useReactivity(() => Posts.find({}).fetch())

  return (
      { => (
        <li key={post._id}>{post.title}</li>

In this example, we use the useReactivity hook to make the component reactive. The useReactivity hook runs the function that fetches the posts from the collection whenever the data changes. The fetch method returns an array of all documents in the collection.


That's it! You have successfully set up SignalDB in your React project and created a reactive component that displays a list of posts. You can now use SignalDB in your React project to manage your data and make your components reactive.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve learned how to use SignalDB in React, you maybe want to explore the possibilities how you can synchronize the data with your backend. Take a look at the Synchronization Overview to get started

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