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Reactivity adapter for solid-js

Solid-js's integration with SignalDB leverages the power of Solid's reactive primitives to seamlessly connect with SignalDB's reactive local JavaScript database. Solid-js, known for its granular reactivity and efficient data management, provides a robust foundation for SignalDB to build upon. When using Solid-js, developers can effortlessly create and manage signals, which are core reactive primitives. These signals can then be integrated with SignalDB, allowing for real-time data updates and synchronization. This synergy between Solid-js and SignalDB ensures that developers can harness the full potential of both technologies, resulting in a more dynamic and responsive application. By utilizing Solid-js's automatic dependency tracking and SignalDB's MongoDB-like interface, developers can achieve a seamless flow of data, enhancing the overall user experience. In essence, the integration of Solid-js with SignalDB represents the convergence of two powerful technologies, offering developers a streamlined approach to building reactive applications.


  • ✅ Automatic Cleanup
  • ❌ Scope check

The API of solid-js doesn't allow reactive scope checking. You must manually disable reactivity when making calls outside a reactive scope to avoid memory leaks. You can do this by passing reactive: false to your options (e.g. <collection>.find({ ... }, { reactive: false })).

  $ npm install signaldb-plugin-solid


import { Collection } from 'signaldb'
import reactivityAdapter from 'signaldb-plugin-solid'
import { createEffect } from 'solid-js'

const posts = new Collection({
  reactivity: reactivityAdapter,

createEffect(() => {
  console.log(posts.find({ author: 'John' }).count())

Released under the MIT License.